Version 6.0: Date of Release: March 2022
Summary of Major Changes
Version 6.0 is a major release with significantly improved image display performance (for very large images) and a number of new features that enable even smoother integration with Petrel.
- The internal manner in which StructureSolver handles and displays images has been substantially reengineered. This results in much improved Free Zoom and Pan performance for very large images.
- Additionally this new functionality allows appropriate transparency around composite structural components, and restored or transformed components and sections.
- The internal behavior of dialog boxes has been systematized so that hitting the Enter key always responds to the internal textual or numeric input field where the cursor is situated, rather than closing the dialog (which occurred in a few cases previously). The tab ordering of all internal controls in all dialogs has been revised and improved.
- When exporting from Petrel to StructureSolver or updating StructureSolver from Petrel, you can now auto-smooth regular height surfaces (gridded surfaces) as well as horizons.
- You can now change calibration velocity for any previously calibrated time section. In previous versions this functionality was available only for time sections that had been imported from Badleys T7 or Petrel. Using the same menu item, you can also change the spatial unit from Meters to Feet, or vice-versa.
- When you change background color, all background areas that do not display section or structural component images now change color. In previous versions certain operations "captured" parts of a previous background in such a way that the color could not be subsequently changed.
- You can now group horizon curve categories, so that multiple horizons will be treated as one for the purposes of stratigraphic color fill, displaying horizon linkages, restoration or area depth-strain analysis. Because Petrel does not allow horizons to be multi-values with respect to depth it is quite common for interpreters to give the same bed different horizon names when it appears in different, overlapping thrust sheets. Grouping horizons in StructureSolver allows differently named horizons to be treated as one, while maintaining compatibility with Petrel. The same functionality can be used in a different way to rapidly test different correlation hypotheses.
- Grouped horizons are automatically assigned a group name, which is parenthetically displayed in the Interpretation Dashboard.
- Grouped horizons can be ungrouped.
- When you create a structural component that includes disparate parts of your section or previous structural component images, the image-free areas in the resulting component remain transparent and are filled with the current background color.
- The edit structural component function now show the area of both the non-transparent image for a structural component and also the area or the component outline, which may vary, with the outline area being larger.
- An error in previous versions whereby structural component images would lose a few pixels upon saving and reopening has been fixed.
- Sections and structural components that are restored or transformed in any way now maintain true transparency for those areas which are outside the true image area, whereas in previous versions these operations could capture parts of the existing background color.
- When restoring or transforming-to-target a section or structural component using vertical shear or inclined shear, the operation proceeds as soon as you have exited the Restoration Settings dialog. In previous versions the operation awaited a subsequent mouse movement in the main workspace, which could occasion inadvertent delays.
- All new features have been comprehensively documented.