Following are instructions for enabling sufficient cookie permission levels to log in to You may either set your privacy settings to medium or lower, or enable an exception to your cookie policy for the website.
If you are attempting to log in to using the custom web browser raised by the StructureSolver application you should first open a regular Internet Explorer browser window from your desktop.
Open the Internet Options panel from the Tools menu and select the Privacy tab.
You then may do one of the following:
1. Set Privacy settings to Medium
- You may set the Internet zone settings to Medium or lower as shown:
2. Add an exception for as shown below
- Select the Sites button; a new panel will pop up as shown
- Type into the Address of Website box as shown
- Press Allow. will be added to the list of Managed Websites.
Note that these instructions apply for the Internet Explorer browser, which is the browser used when logging into this website from the StructureSolver application. Similar procedures can be followed for other browser types.